chiefalchemist 4 hours ago |

> An effort to understand Earth’s past climates uncovered a history of wild temperature shifts and offered a warning on the consequences of human-caused warming.

If nothing else, the graph says this:

1) That's not what we've been led to believe about climate, and the history there of.

2) Anything is possible, and the path is jagged, not smooth.

And yet, the W.Post insists on saying "human-caused warming", as if all the other increases in the past have been human-caused. We KNOW that can't be the case. WTF.

I'm reasonable. We're dumping shit into the air, into our environment. If nothing else, we're shitting where we eat. Cutting back on that isn't a bad thing.

But to present me evidence like that graph and then say the current - relatively small - bump up is "human-caused warming" insults my intelligence. It does nothing but confuse and cloud the discussion. It only feeds the data-deniers, and is not science.

Yes, we might be on the cusp of the climate changing. But per the data (read: graph) presented, that doesn't mean it's human-caused warming. There's plenty of past data on other increases that we not led by humans.