Show HN: TexSandbox – An AI-assisted LaTeX editor, in the browser


2 points by matt_holden 5 hours ago | 0 comments

Hi HN,

Curious how many folks here use LaTeX in their work or study?

I built this as a solo dev to scratch my own itch:

Uses a mix of Claude 3.5 Sonnet and gpt-4o/gpt-4o-mini, hosted on Vercel + Modal Labs.

I was a PM for most of my career (math before that), so was usually spending more time in emails + meetings than coding.

But I'm amazed now at how productive I can be as a single engineer with the help of tools like Claude + Cursor (and great infra / open source).

Claude helped with a lot of the coding here, as well as UX, marketing copy, legal, etc.

Just looking for feedback at this point. If there’s anything that would make this more useful for you, let me know!